Frequently asked questions
We are happy to help you
How can I book an app?
To book an app, first go to the product page of the respective app. If there are several variants of this app, you can choose between the different app variants using the drop-down menu on the right-hand side. Once you have selected the desired variant, click on "Continue to booking". If you already have a d.velop account, you can login directly. Otherwise click on "Create a new d.velop account" below the "Log in" button. By entering your e-mail address and choosing a secure password, you now create your own d.velop account. Close the booking process by entering your company data and choosing a domain through which you will access your d.velop apps in the future.
Can I also test an app without risk?
If you send an informal cancellation request to cloud.support@d-velop.de within 30 days of booking an app, you will be cancelling your order. You will not be charged for any use of services in the d.velop cloud that have been provided up to that point.
How do I create my own d.velop account for booking an app?
For the creation of a d.velop account you only need a business email address. With this you request your personal registration link and then set your personal password. Simply use the following link: http://my.d-velop.cloud/
I did not receive the registration email for my d.velop account. What should I do?
In some rare cases, the registration email may end up in your spam folder. If this is not the case, please contact your IT department or contact our support directly at cloud.support@d-velop.de.
Do I have to provide a sales tax ID?
Yes, we need your sales tax ID for the billing of your app usage. We will of course only invoice you if you decide to continue using an app after its trial period has ended.
Can I purchase apps as a private person?
No, we offer our apps currently exclusively to business customers, i.e. companies (acc. to ยง 14 BGB), public bodies and separate funds under public law.
What is a domain and what do I need it for?
The domain is your personal Internet address where you can access your apps in the future. Most of the time our customers use your company name for this. Example: company-name.d-velop.cloud
Does the address I enter when booking correspond to my billing address?
Yes, the address you enter when booking your first app will be used as the billing address. If you would like to change this later, simply send us an email at cloud.support@d-velop.de.
Are there any costs immediately after booking an app?
No, you can test each app for 30 days completely risk-free. You decide whether you want to continue using the app for a fee or cancel it within the 30 days at no cost. We will send you the first invoice at the beginning of the second month of your subscription.
Can my employees book apps independently?
If you already are a customer and have booked an app, your employees cannot book any further apps for your domain without explicit rights. If you want to authorize your employees to do so, you must authorize them in the configuration of your d.velop cloud with the corresponding rights via their e-mail addresses.
What requirements do I need to meet to run apps?
All our apps are operated on the d.velop platform. We take care of the maintenance and further development completely for you. To access your apps, you only need internet access.
Can I set up my apps myself?
The setup and configuration of apps is kept simple. You can set up the apps yourself using the online description and guided tours. The descriptions can be called up directly in the store or are sent to you after booking an app. However, most apps are designed in such a way that they can be set up with little effort.
We and our partners are happy to support you with the configuration.
Can a d.velop partner set up and configure apps?
Yes, a d.velop partner can support you with the setup and configuration of your apps, if you authorize him as administrator.
Can I adapt apps to my needs?
Yes, either use additional apps that provide interfaces and integrations or become an app builder yourself and develop the required functions. You can find information on this topic in the developer portal.
Where are my data and documents stored?
For apps of d.velop, the data is stored exclusively in German data centers in the Frankfurt area. If apps of third-party providers are used, the data protection regulations of the respective provider are applicable. On principle, data and documents are stored exclusively in ISO/IEC 27001 or comparable certified data processing centers, also in the case of third-party providers.
Is the security of my data guaranteed at all times?
All data is encrypted during transmission and is also stored encrypted in the data center.
Are apps checked before publication?
Yes, every app undergoes a comprehensive security review before release to ensure the integrity of your data and documents at all times.
Can I create a backup of my data?
Yes, there are backup strategies in place for the data and documents of all d.velop apps. An export of documents and metadata is possible. In case of third-party apps, additional contract documents with information on the backup od data apply, which you will find on the summary page before you complete the booking process.
How can I export my data if I no longer want to use an app?
An export can be requested at cloud.support@d-velop.de.
How is the billing for apps done?
The billing of your apps is conveniently done by invoice. For this we use the address given during the booking.
Are invoices combined if I use several apps?
Yes, if you use multiple apps, you will receive one invoice per billing period containing the billing information for all apps you are currently subscribed to.
When are the apps billed?
Your apps will be charged at the beginning of the month for the previous month.
What payment methods are available?
We are happy to offer you a convenient monthly invoice for bank transfer.
Do I pay anything for using the d.velop platform?
No, you only pay for booked apps. The d.velop platform, through which you access your apps, is available to you completely free of charge.
What are the contract terms for apps?
As the contract periods of the providers in our store can vary, please inform yourself about the subject by means of the contract documents on the summary page before completing the booking process.
How do I cancel an app?
You can cancel an app subscription with the contractually agreed notice period by e-mail at cloud.support@d-velop.de.
Are there notice periods for apps?
As the notice periods of the providers in the d.velop store can be different, please inform yourself in the contract documents, which you can download on the summary page, before you complete the booking process of an app.