Alpin | Signature App for d.velop documents

Alpin | Signature App for d.velop documents

Digital remote signature in d.velop documents

by Alpin
Technical requirements
To use this app, you also need d.velop documents basic or business or ultimate or a d.velop documents (On Premises) in local or in hybrid operation. Additional costs may apply.

About Alpin | Signature App for d.velop documents

With the Alpin | Signature App for d.velop documents you can simply digitally sign documents in your d.velop documents - completely location-independent via browser or mobile, of course.

The app utilizes the principle of remote signature and allows you to create electronic signatures completely independent of additional hardware and inconvenient driver installation.

And most important: With the Alpin | Signature App for d.velop documents you sign qualified according to the eIDAS regulation. Thus, your signatures are recognized throughout Europe. We work together with Italy's No. 1 trust service provider InfoCert SpA. 

Functions at a glance

  • Sign digitally in d.velop documents

  • 100% compatible with the European eIDAS regulation

  • No hardware and no driver installation

  • Location-independent use via browser and mobile

Price overview

Single Flat

€29.25 pro user per month
For a single user

Other conditions...

Small Enterprise Flat

€26.25 pro user per month
For 2-10 users

Other conditions...

Medium Enterprise Flat

€23.25 pro user per month
For 11-50 users

Other conditions...

Large Enterprise Flat

€19.25 pro user per month
For more than 50 users

Other conditions...

More Highlights of Alpin | Signature App for d.velop documents

Create signatures within workflows

No more printing and signing. With the digital signature, you will make your digital business processes complete.

Multiple signatures with only one One Time Password (OTP)

Select multiple documents to sign them in one signing process with a single One Time Password (OTP).

Extensive API stack for on premises and hybrid uses

Using SOAP, REST or JAVA API, the complete signature stack can be integrated into your own applications.

Other conditions

Keine Kosten pro Signatur und unbegrenzte Anzahl an qualifizierten Signaturen!
Jährliche Laufzeit.

Individuelle Pakete auf Anfrage
The price per user depends on the number of users identified in the Alpine | Signature App for d.velop documents.
Keine Kosten pro Signatur und unbegrenzte Anzahl an qualifizierten Signaturen!

No cost per signature and unlimited number of qualified signatures.
Keine Kosten pro Signatur und unbegrenzte Anzahl an qualifizierten Signaturen!
Annual Term.
Individual packages on request.

Ratings for Alpin | Signature App for d.velop documents

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Alpin | Signature App for d.velop documents Digital remote signature in d.velop documents
from €29.25 * pro Monat